An article published on the Barça Innovation Hub website highlights the importance of having different medical solutions to be able to respond to the specific needs of each patient with an ankle injury.
Although today there is a trend towards surgery, the age and physical condition of the patient are decisive. For a young, athletic person, surgery might be prescribed, however in older patients, conservative therapy might be a more interesting alternative. Choosing the most appropriate treatment is complicated for those between the ages of 40 and 60. The importance of finding the balance between surgery and other more conservative treatments, such as rehabilitation that, although less invasive, do not reduce the risk of a relapse, remains latent.
In this context, projects such as TriAnkle represent an interesting alternative as they offer a personalized solution based on regenerative medicine. TriAnkle allows for manufacturing bioprinted customized implants in 3D with collagen and gelatin. It is a biological treatment that reduces recovery times, which in turn translates into significant economic savings for health systems.
If you want to read the complete article, please, visit Barça Innovation Hub website.