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Barça Innovation Hub website includes an article about TriAnkle

Triankle project: 3D printing of personalized implants for tendons and cartilages in ankle injuries” is the headline with which Barça Innovation Hub presents the European Project TriAnkle in an article published on its website.

The writing explains how with collagen and gelatin can be manufactured, through 3D printing, personalized implants that solve the regenerative needs of people affected with any type of osteoarthritis, a population that is estimated at more than 500 million worldwide.

The TriAnkle project represents an important medical advance since it improves the quality of life of these people, with an increase in the functionality of the affected area by up to 15%. But TriAnkle also has an important economic impact, in that it reduces patient recovery times by up to 50%, which means a reduction in costs for health systems around the world of between 40% and 50%, compared to classic therapies to cure this type of ailments.

If you want to read the complete article, please, visit Barça Innovation Hub website.


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